Landscape architects and professionals, Giardini Mati 1909 invites you to MyPlant & Garden 2025 (Fiera Milano Rho, 19-21 February) to learn more about our innovative solutions for designing sustainable and high-performance green spaces.
Continue readingCreate your garden or terrace at special prices in 2020
During the quarantine, we became aware as never before of the importance of a comfortable, orderly garden or a decorative terrace at home. Nevertheless, it is especially in summertime when our own fully private green space, in town or country, becomes even more precious for what it can give us: the sun, breathing space, light, scents, colors, sunlit and shaded spaces, genuine wellsprings of relaxation, leisure, and well-being in these natural and totally safe living spaces.
After the lockdown, the number of Italians tending a garden or terrace had increased. According to Nomisma, if there were 16 million Italians (namely, 32% of the population) with a passion for greenery in 2019, the quarantine saw 19 million people (about 39% of the population) attracted to gardening as a hobby.
There has never been a better time than now to improve your home and the outdoor areas around it. That is why, we at MATI 1909 are offering to anyone who wants to beautify their garden or terrace a SPECIAL PROMOTION good throughout 2020.
This summer has seen gardens and terraces become even more important living spaces. Accordingly, to anyone who uses our services to install their green space by the end of this year, we are offering a 10% DISCOUNT on the final price, or alternatively, promotions on design. Take advantage of this opportunity without delay and you can study and enhance your green oasis with us at reasonable prices.
For information and requests on the installation of gardens, kitchen gardens, terraces, and green spaces, please write to or contact our technical office at 0573 380051
Nuovo [O]SSIGENO – On air, a new magazine from MATI 1909
Introducing MATI 1909’s new web magazine, dedicated to anyone fascinated by nature and all things green, the online monthly Nuovo [O]ssigeno focuses on such topics as the environment, plants, and sustainability.
Each issue is intended to deliver “a breath of fresh air to body and soul” and to tell about our travels through the worlds of culture, art, and cuisine as well as of the passions, programs, and ideas of those who, like us, have always put nature and the planet’s health at the heart of life itself, on the frontlines to defend the environment as a common good.
Our magazine can be downloaded online from the site; it is also available in hard copy. With a circulation of several hundred copies, the magazine is distributed at our farm-style restaurant Toscana Fair and the Dispensa, at training courses promoted by the Italian Garden Academy, and at all events held at the MATI 1909 administrative center.
Gardenia publishes CeSAF’s study for MATI 4 Life
Plants and their impact on combatting air pollution and the planet’s health. Data quantifying the annual oxygen emissions into the air and the absorption of carbon dioxide, smog. and PM10 particles beginning with the species grown in our nursery has been the goal of the research conducted for MATI 1909. As part of the MATI 4 Life project for a sustainable future, the CeSAF Agronomic Technical Office of Pistoia was led by Dr. Federico di Cara’s team, starting with the analyses carried out by Prof. Francesco Nicese of the Department of Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Forestry Sciences and Technologies of the University of Florence (in Italian). The research was published in Gardenia magazine.
Aware of vegetation’s central role in the life of the planet, we wanted the actual contribution of our plant production to improving air quality in the area where we are based by the plants we grow to be calculated. For example, to understand the magnitude, nurseries would take third place in the CO2 sequestration competition. Only wooded areas could come in first place, whereas other anthropized green areas (e.g., extensive agricultural areas or olive groves) pale in comparison.
The surveys also looked at data on the environmental impact, with the calculation of the average annual CO2 emissions the MATI nursery’s activities produced per square meter, compared with those of other local-area industrial companies (textiles and paper). In fact, the lowest impact recorded was in the ornamental plants sector.
Below is the article published in “Gardenia” magazine (Cairo Editore):